How To Help
To assist you in running a successful food drive for the clients of Knights Table. Please click on the link below to print your own posters to promote your Food Drive.
We thank you for supporting our clients dealing with food insecurity.
Your food drive would be a great support to assist those in need with their weekly groceries!
To ensure success with your food drive, you can make it FUN and have competitions between groups for the most pounds of food donated, or have a company match in dollars to each pound of food contributed by employees.
Hold competitions between classes or set-up a thermometer display to keep track of progress.
Please keep in mind that for every $8 of donated food, it costs Knights Table $1 to transport, handle, store, and distribute it to the clients. Anything that you can do to help keep these costs down helps immensely.
Decorate sturdy boxes for collection and you may want to consider assigning a trusted group member to take monetary collections for those who forget or don’t want to carry heavy donations to the drop-off location. A tax receipt is provided for monetary donations over $20.00. We have plastic food collection bins that can be picked up to assist with food donations. Food donations can be dropped off after the food drive.
Please call ahead to let us know that you will be delivering a food drive donation and we can coordinate volunteers to assist with the off-loading.
We do have a van for pick-ups if that is required as well.
A thank you letter and certificate will be sent to the Organizer of the food drive to acknowledge our gratitude and receipt of donated items.
Currently our list of most needed items is as follows:
- Breakfast supplies, cereal –hot and cold; pancake mix, syrup (high demand)
- Pasta Sauce
- Canned Meat
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Fruit
- Kraft Mac & Cheese and Instant Noodles
- Snacks such as puddings, Jello, Granola Bars
- Juices & Drink Boxes
- Water
- Cake Mixes
- Diapers (size 3 in high demand)
- Sanitary Products: ie. toilet paper, pads, tampons
- Hygiene products – soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste (high demand)
You can tap into your network to start raising funds to help us help others: email your friends and family, host a party with your friends or company to raise money, or food or use your personal social media to promote Knights Table. A little goes a long way.
Your hands, feet and heart can go a long way towards changing someone’s life. We’d love to have your help here at Knights Table, and we know your life will be changed by experiencing people’s lives and stories in person. Discover how you can help us help them.
Educating yourself about the complex issues of poverty, homelessness and addiction is one of the best ways to make a difference in your community. You can build your knowledge about the bigger picture, learn how you fit in, and start working with us to build a more positive, compassionate Peel.
You have the opportunity to be part of an exciting Knights Table fundraiser – Bag a Solution for Poverty.
With this fundraiser, we aim to develop your critical thinking skills and raise awareness about many important social justice issues including hunger, poverty and homelessness.
Get your friends, family, workplace, and faith communities involved!
How it works:
- Write out your solution to end hunger, poverty and homelessness on the cue card provided and add it to the bag.
2. Be creative and use your critical thinking skills!
3. Add your toonie to the bag.
You are done!
Your solution will be posted on Knights Table’s website and Facebook fan page.
It’s fun, simple and gives you the opportunity to impact your community.
Donations over $20 will be given a tax receipt. Thank you for your generosity!
Together we can end poverty.
Be the solution.
Call 905-454-8725 for information.
Help us feed hungry families.
Give today. Every $1 provides 3 meals for families in need.
Thank you for your generous support!

“The right time to eat is: for a rich man when he is hungry, for a poor man when he has something to eat.”